Simona Ghetti


Position Title
Professor Department of Psychology
Professor of Center for Mind and Brain

102K Young Hall

In addition to her academic appointment, Simona Ghetti is a faculty member in the UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain. She is also a member of a number of professional organizations, including the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, the Cognitive Development Society, the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, the Society for Neuroscience and the Society for Research in Child Development. She serves as an associate editor of Memory, and is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Frontiers in Developmental PsychologyFrontiers in Human NeuroscienceJournal of Cognition and Development, and formerly served on the editorial board of the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

Research Focus

Professor Ghetti's research focuses on the development of memory and metamemory in childhood. Using behavioral and neuroimaging methods in her Memory and Development Lab, she studies both typical and atypical development of memory in children. 

Selected Publications

  • Ghetti, S., &  Bauer, P. J. (Eds.) (2012). Origins and development of recollection: Perspectives from psychology and neuroscience. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 
  • Mestitz, A., & Ghetti, S. (Eds.) (2005). Victim-offender mediation with youth offenders in Europe. Dordrecht, NL: Springer.
  • DeMaser, D., & Ghetti, S. (in press). Developmental differences in hippocampal and cortical contributions to episodic retrieval. Cortex.
  • Lyons, K., & Ghetti, S. (in press). I don’t want to pick: Introspection on uncertainty underlies early strategic behavior. Child Development.
  • Ghetti, S., &  Bunge, S. A. (2012). Neural substrates of the development of episodic memory. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2, 381-395.


Professor Ghetti currently teaches courses in Development of Memory and Developmental Psychology.


Professor Ghetti has received numerous awards throughout her career. In 2011, she was selected as a UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow and as an elected member, of the Memory Disorders Research Society. In 2010, she received the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology and the James F. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award. She received the Boyd McCandless Early Career Award, American Psychological Association, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) in 2009 and the Early Career Research Achievement Award, Society for Research in Child Development in 2007.