Spring 2020

For day, time, room, and TA information, see our schedule page or the course search tool

FRE 001 - Elementary French (5 units)
Prof. Julia Simon

Description: Presentation of the basic grammar and vocabulary of French as well as cultural information about the French-speaking world (textbook chapters 1 to 5); in-class interactive exercises and out-of-class assignments for practice in using the language for listening and reading comprehension, writing, and speaking. French is the exclusive means of communication in class. The course meets five hours per week, with 20-25 students per section. Daily homework assignments are completed using iLrn, an online platform.  Additional materials are posted to Canvas.

Prerequisite: No previous study of French is assumed. Students who have never studied French (or who have had fewer than two years of French in high school and do not place into French 002) should enroll in French 001. Students with two or more years of French in high school may only take this course for a Pass/ No Pass grade.

FRE 002 - Elementary French (5 units)
Prof. Julia Simon

Description: Continuation of the presentation of the basic grammar and vocabulary of French as well as cultural information about the French-speaking world (textbook chapters 6 to 10); in-class interactive exercises and out-of-class assignments for practice in using the language for listening and reading comprehension, writing, and speaking. French is the exclusive means of communication in class. The course meets five hours per week, with 20-25 students per section. Course materials (other than the textbook and workbook) and daily homework assignments are available through Canvas.

Prerequisite: French 001 or Language Placement Exam (any student, regardless of previous experience studying French, may take this course for a letter or Pass/ No Pass grade.)

FRE 003 - Elementary French (5 units)
Prof. Julia Simon

Description: Presentation of the basic grammar and vocabulary of French as well as cultural information about the French-speaking world (textbook chapters 11 to 15); in-class interactive exercises and out-of-class assignments for practice in using the language for listening and reading comprehension, writing, and speaking. French is the exclusive means of communication in class. The course meets five hours per week, with 20-25 students per section. Course materials (other than the textbook and workbook) and daily homework assignments are available through Canvas.

Prerequisite: French 002 or Language Placement Exam (any student, regardless of previous experience studying French, may take this course for a letter or Pass/ No Pass grade.)

FRE 021 - Intermediate French (5 units)
Prof. Julia Simon

Description: Presentation and analysis of the cultures of the French-speaking world (Paris, Quebec, Tahiti, Lyon, Northern Africa) and comparison to home culture; review of the basic grammar presented in first-year French; expansion of vocabulary related to city living, history/geography, the arts, food/cooking, and family life (textbook chapters 1 to 5). In-class presentations and activities, as well as out-of-class assignments, are conducted solely in French and focus on the development of listening and reading comprehension, writing, and speaking skills. The course meets four hours per week, plus an additional hour of independent web-based work, with 20-25 students per section. Course materials (other than the textbook and workbook) and daily homework assignments are available through Canvas.

Prerequisite: French 001A or French 003 or Language Placement Exam (any student, regardless of previous experience studying French, may take this course for a letter or Pass/ No Pass grade.)

FRE 022 - Intermediate French (5 units)
Prof. Julia Simon

Description: Presentation and analysis of the cultures of the French-speaking world (Senegal, Martinique, Geneva, Strasbourg, Brussels) and comparison to home culture; review of the basic grammar presented in first-year French; expansion of vocabulary related to commerce, tourism, sports and leisure, politics, and modern technology (textbook chapters 6 to 10). In-class presentations and activities, as well as out-of-class assignments, are conducted solely in French and focus on the development of listening and reading comprehension, writing, and speaking skills. The course meets four hours per week, plus an additional hour of independent web-based work, with 25 students per section. Course materials (other than the textbook and workbook) and daily homework assignments are available through Canvas.

Prerequisite: French 021 or Language Placement Exam (any student, regardless of previous experience studying French, may take this course for a letter or Pass/ No Pass grade.)

FRE 023 - Intermediate French (5 units)
Prof. Julia Simon

Description: The goals in this course are to advance your comprehension and use of the French language, with a particular focus on writing skills. Structured reading, analysis, discussion and writing assignments will enable you to increase your vocabulary, improve your oral and aural proficiency, solidify your mastery of grammatical structures, and develop greater ease and sophistication in written and spoken expression.

Prerequisite: French 022 or Language Placement Exam (any student, regardless of previous experience studying French, may take this course for a letter or Pass/ No Pass grade.)

FRE 100 - Composition in French (4 units)
Vaya Poonam

Description: Instruction and practice in expository writing in French, with emphasis on organization, correct syntax, and vocabulary building.

Prerequisite: FRE 023

FRE 118A - Age of Reason & Revolution (4units)
Julia Simon

Description: Literature and philosophy of the French Enlightenment. Readings from such authors as Bayle, Fontenelle, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau and Diderot.

Prerequisite(s): FRE 100.

FRE 141 - Selected Topics in French Literature (4 units)
Toby Warner

Description: Subjects and themes such as satiric and didactic poetry of the Middle Ages, poetry of the Pléiade, theater in the 18th century, pre-romantic poetry, autobiography, literature and film, etc.

Prerequisite(s): FRE 100; or consent of instructor.

FRE 209A - 20th-Century: Prose (4 units)
Jeff Fort

Description: Study of the works of one or several writers of the period.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

FRE 251 - Topics in the Linguistic Study of French (4 units)
Eric Russell

Description: Questions relevant to the linguistic study of French, such as language acquisition, sociolinguistics, or theoretical examination of structure. Intended for students in French Linguistics and those applying linguistic models to literature or teaching.

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

FRE 390B - The Teaching of French in College
Julia Simon

Description: Designed for graduate teaching assistants with emphasis on problems and procedures encountered by teachers of lower division classes at the university.

Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing or consent of instructor.